Coastal cruise to Berlengas on Papamilhas (Canceled due to bad weather)

Date(s) - 07/04/2019
05:00 - 22:00

Doca de Alcântara (Doca do Espanhol) Gate nr. 1

This is a 3 days event, which is still weather dependent.

The plan is to leave Lisbon very early in the morning of Friday, 5th of April, towards Peniche (around 60 nautical miles north of Lisbon). Spend the night at the marina and sail the next day to Berlengas (6 miles crossing). Spend the Saturday exploring the island(s) and start the return trip to Lisbon on Sunday’s early morning.

We will sail together with another boat, Batiscafo from skipper Nuno Elias, and plan to take a small dinghy with us.

We need committed crew at least one week in advance, so that we can start preparing the boat for this trip. Crew should commit for the 3 days.

Bookings are not available through the website for this event.

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